Saturday 5 November 2011

Not Well

Real shit day in the gym today. More than just lacking energy, I was feeling totally exhausted to the point that I could of lay down in the gym and gone to sleep. I'm feeling like I must have some sort of bug I'm trying to fight off. Would of taken the day off but the thing is I didn't feel too bad when I got up, I just got progressively worse as the session went on.

All in all, no big deal. I know these sort of days come around once in a while and I don't get shitty when they do. Will go hard again next time.

DB Shallow Incline: 40x8, 34x12.

Conventional Deadlift: 182.5x3. Got the same weight for 6 last week with a sumo stance. I know I wasn't 100% today but I feel like I should persist with sumo.

No front squats. I had enough trouble just walking to my car and driving home.

1 comment:

  1. That sucks that you're not feeling the best. Hope you get better soon man.
