Tuesday 15 November 2011

Cricket Balls

Spent 6 hours retrieving cricket balls for an event in the schools athletic carnival that I'm doing my teaching practice at. The kids threw the ball as far as they could, I retrieved it and threw it back. There must of been 10 classes with 15 kids each and each kid got 3 throws so that's somewhere in the vicinity of 450 cricket balls. it was hot as hell too.

So after that, I hit the gym up and during my squat warm up my legs were shaking. My knees and hips were aching from spending all day bending over and picking up cricket balls (I feel like I'm going to have nightmares about cricket balls). I felt like going home. It felt like I couldn't squat for shit. Then I realised going home wasn't going to improve my squat and decided to at least do a couple of doubles. I had planned on doing 182.5x6 but didn't feel like I had it in me.

After my first double I got loosened up a bit and ended up doing 182.5x4x2. So all in all, not a bad session.

Got my Greyskull shirt in the mail too. Looks awesome and fits perfect. It's been a tough couple of weeks in the gym but I'm sure the little piece of Greyskull will give me the extra 10% moral boost I need at the moment.

DB Bench: 42x6, 36x8. These didn't feel good. I'm having trouble rocking back with the weight and using my knees to propel the weight in a starting position with my elbows locked out. Tried to do it and strained my front/side delt in some way. Thinking about going back to barbell bench.

Squat: 182.5kg/401.5lbx4x2.

Seated Alternate Dumbell Curl: 14x15, x10 +3 standing. What the fuck. This was a 3rep PR! haha.


  1. Squats looked very solid and you're definitely looking leaner. Nice work man.

  2. Yea, I may not be smashing squat PRs at the moment but the reps all looked very good. I can certainly handle that wait a lot easier than what I could a few months ago.
