Monday 24 September 2012

My Plan

It's a little bizzare looking back on my weight training over the last year; it's been so haphazard. This is obviously due to some decision I made regarding weightloss and playing soccer so that's fine - no regrets. Sort of anyway.

Now is the time to focus my efforts into getting bigger and stronger and over the next year I except to be making some great gains. Considering where I am at at the moment, this is what my training will look like for the next few weeks:

Press, Bench, BW dips, Tricep Pushdowns (TCPDs)

Squat, Leg Press, DB Rows, BW Chins, Curls

Press, Bench, Weighted Dips

Squat, DL, Weighted Chins, Shrugs

Basically I will be prioritsing press for a cycle. I'm going to start with 3 x 5 and then when progression runs out, switch to a TM setup and progress the intensity day reps all the was down, week by week, until I find my 1RM. The bench will be done at something like 3 x 5 at 75% of my 1RM after press. After the press cycle I will probably prioritise bench for a cycle before finding a compromise.

I've got squats in the program now but I wont really be doing these for probably 2 weeks as I rehab my hip. Until that time I will conventional deficit deadlift on Monday. When I get to squats I will do the same programming as my press.

I'm going to run my deadlift on a linear progression too until I find a new 1RM.

Can't wait to get into it and put some mass on my frame.


  1. This looks like a very solid plan. However just in case you hadn't considered it, you can run a TM 4 day split for your bench AND press, giving both equal priority. Simply do intensity bench first and press volume after one day, and intensity press and bench volume the next. I have never personally tried this but will be going in this direction over the summer holidays.

    Also, I'm very pleased to FINALLY see you doing TCPDs, FINALLY.

  2. I'm voting for incorporating some BTNP.
