Sunday 26 August 2012


Unfortunately hip pain was "back with a vengeance" one could say. It is not totally unbearable but it hurts and my squat undoubtedly suffers. I filmed my sets again and the form is good so I'm not 100% sure what's going on. I'll book in with the physio tomorrow and hope he can work some magic.

Squat: 155 x 5, 155 x 2 x 3. My strength levels are feeling good. The weight feels light on my back which is always the key. Too bad about the hip pain. I cut the last 2 sets to 3 to save my hips a little bit.

Bench: 92.5 x 5, 90 x 2 x 5. Took it a little easier.

Rows: 30kg Russian Bear style.


  1. I am very sorry to hear this, but I will say it again:

    YOU HAVE TO STOP SQUATTING. The longer you continue to squat, the longer it will be until you can eventually squat WITHOUT PAIN OR PROBLEM. Every week you continue to squat through this, you can probably add another 2-4 weeks recovery time. Learn from my fucking mistakes please.
