Tuesday 20 September 2011

Day 5

Squat: 170x5x2, 130x12. The sets across were all good but the twelve rep set was tough. Had to really suck them in after 10.

Leg Press: 5 sets of 12. Worked up to 5 plates.

DB Rows: 18x20, 14x: 16, 12, 8, 6, 20.

Chins: 34 total

DB Curls: 12x3x12

Liam Messam the All Black flanker was in the gym today. He's been a regular for New Zealand lately but was controversially left out of the World Cup squad. He could probably best be described as huge. He did a bunch of 100kg bench sets (full ROM), incline bench in the smith machine, tricep pushdowns, bent over lateral dumbell raises but no squats unfortunately.


  1. 130 for 12 tough? You must be joking.

  2. Maybe in a few years you'll be squatting 170 for reps and then you can do a back off set for 12 too.

  3. If I was squatting 170 for reps I can assure you that a back off set of 12 with 130 would be even easier for me than it is now.
