Sunday 28 October 2012

The Gift Of Giving

So after my session today, me and the Mrs went down to the shops. I was wondering around when a woman approached me and asked if I could give her a hand putting a pool in her trolley. I said, "Sure" and followed her over to the big stack of boxes where the inflatable pools were kept. It was a $500 pool so it was fairly sizeable; about 1.5m tall and thick enough to stop me getting my arms all the way around it. As I was by myself, there was only one feesible way I could get the thing in the trolley and that was to wrap my arms around it, and sumo style it off the ground, then shrugging it the extra few inched I needed to get the requisite height in order to drop it straight down into the trolley.

The middle aged single mother had a gaggle of children around her as well as what was most likely the grandmother. Clearly, the potentiall pool party was only a possibility if I managed to get this sizeable object safely on it's way to their backyard. I didn't dissapoint. The thing was heavy and the box left a bit of a gash in my bicep but I completed the lift with relative ease.

What made me equally happy was the fact that the lady must of approached me based on the appearance of my potential strength. Indeed, I've never looked bigger.

Bench: 101 x 3, 95 x 2 x 3, 85 x 8. The top set went well. First rep paused and it felt like I could of hit this for 5. The back off sets are just for volume. Will go 102 then 103, hopefully all for 3, then back down to 101.

Behind the Neck Push Press: 40 x 5. Obviously inspired by C&P. I stopped it at 40 though because the movement hurt my left delt which has been a bit screwed since the epic air hockey battle from a few weeks back. So, in lieu of more sets, I decided to..

Press Partials (nose level): 60 x 5, 65 x 5, 60 x 5. felt a little heavy, but good. I'll run the bottom half of the movement on my other bench day.

Weight Dips: 25 x 8? x 5 (1-2 m in rest). Not exactly sure how many sets we did. I was with a mate and we just did sets of 5 until we couldn't do anymore. He only got 3 reps on his last set and I almost failed on my 5th rep on my last set so we called it a day.

Then we did some decline DB press and machine flys. He like the BB stuff.

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