Tuesday 10 July 2012

Nice Squat Set

Squat: 150 x 7. Pushed this an extra couple of reps over the 5 seems I was pressed for time and couldn't do my usual back off sets/leg press. Had another couple of reps in the tank. Pushed fairly hard tough

Press: 66 x 2 x 3, 60 x 5.

Ronelle webt well today. Squated 30 x 3 x 5 pretty well with good form. Tested her strength a bit tough. Pressed 10 kg w/ good form too. Nice day in the gym all round


  1. "Squat: 150 x 7"

    Nice set bro. Your squat is nearly back to where it was at the end of your first LP, but this time you're fucking lean.

  2. Don't know about your recent tweets though. Next you'll be reading The Secret.

  3. Yea squat is on the road to recovery yo could say. I have some DOMS today though. 1 x a week squatting doesn't seem to be enough frequency to get over DOMS.

    The Secret is a great read. I got Deanez to post me a copy.
