Tuesday 16 April 2013

Keep Rolln, Rolln, Rolln, Rolln on

Squat: 170 x 5 x 4. I'm gonna be squatting 180 for fun in a few months.

Pull ups: 13.75 x 5, 10 x 5, BW x 8

Seated Machine Rows: 60 x 3 x 8

I'm about to head to the gym and bench again. Gonna bench 3 x a week and vary the volume over the course of the three sessions. I've done 3 bench sessions a week before on Pavel's programme and it worked fine so let's see how we go.


  1. When are you going to enter your next meet and destroy the opposition with your massive squat?

  2. There's a meet on in a couple of weeks which I've flagged. I think the next major one is in October (the same one I did last year) and if I'm in good shape, I'll enter it. I don't want to go to just make up the numbers.
