Tuesday 1 May 2012

One For The Haters

Bench: 80 x 5, 5, 10.

Squat: 125 x 3 x 5.

When the weight and reps go up, you know you're really training smart.

The squat on the other hand isn't as easy as I would like. But with the amount of running I'm doing in a week, I'm kind of just accepting this fact. Squatting isn't fun when your legs are sore,either from tiredness or bruising. I don't really want to go lighter though; the lack of mental drive to squat at the moment is probably just as challenging as the relative heaviness of the weight.. Think I'll be better served to just keep plugging away at the 3x5 until it really is too heavy.

1 hour soccer passing practice.

Conditioning: 10 x river hill sprint (steep half), 3 x bridge sprint (150m approx).

If you haven't run hills to Because of the Times by Kings of Leon, I suggest you do. My favourite song on that album is Mcfearless (and this would be an awesome track to lift too). The whole album though felt like is was specifically composed for me to sprint by the river to, as the sun set around me. Hamilton is absolutely beautiful at the moment. There is a chill to the air and all the trees leaves are somewhere between green and brown, with the streets covered in those that have already given way to winter. It was just won of those training sessions today where you really feel like you are connecting to your spirituality, God or however you wish to describe it. It was just a beautiful moment.

The mid week condition session is a key part of my programming now (and has been for some time, despite not logging it). I know the Wednesday soccer practice and Saturday game isn't going to be quite enough to get my fitness to where I want to be. I am definitely improving  in my "work capacity" though (is that the right terminology?). We lost 2-1 last Saturday but I would say my performance in general, as well as fitness, improved 20% compared to my game the week before. So, getting there, which is very encouraging. It just that     I realised how dependent expression of skill is on fitness and that's where my motivation is coming from: A desire to be better on the soccer field.

1 comment:

  1. "Bench: 80 x 5, 5, 10"

    Congratulations, you're now benching what I benched when I was scrawny vegan drug addict.

    Hey,you might even be able to bench 100 for a single now.
