Thursday, 30 August 2012

Saving Grace

Bench: 102.5 x 2.

DL: 180 x 5, 160 x 5.

Rack Pull: 180 x 3 x 5 (short rest).

I though I picked a good weight that I could hit for 3 but I failed about half way up. I might have got it with a spotter because I sort of gave up half way through. A little frusturating that I have really gotten nowhere in the bech over the last month. A programming issue or a genetics issue? Either way, I will be trying some programming laid out ny Pavel after the meet. I'm also gonna take a deload week for bench next week. I suspect I have just been working too close for my max for too many weeks now.

Thank God for the DL today though. It gave me that sense of accomplishment I so desperatley needed after the bench effort.

The rack pulls were in there to supplement the upper back that the sumo, according to Pavel, leaves out.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Pressing But Not Squatting

I didn't squat today because of my hip pain. But I'm not going to entirely ditch squatting prior to the meet. I will just squat once or twice a week for just a few reps up until the meet then do whatever I have to do after the meet to solve my injury problems. Obviously it would probably be better to stop squatting all together but I would rather postpone that and have a fun meet.

What I am going to do though, is deadlift 2 x a week.

Press: 60 x 2 x 5, DB Arnold Press x 2 x 5. (Short rest)

Pull ups: 50 total.


Sunday, 26 August 2012


Unfortunately hip pain was "back with a vengeance" one could say. It is not totally unbearable but it hurts and my squat undoubtedly suffers. I filmed my sets again and the form is good so I'm not 100% sure what's going on. I'll book in with the physio tomorrow and hope he can work some magic.

Squat: 155 x 5, 155 x 2 x 3. My strength levels are feeling good. The weight feels light on my back which is always the key. Too bad about the hip pain. I cut the last 2 sets to 3 to save my hips a little bit.

Bench: 92.5 x 5, 90 x 2 x 5. Took it a little easier.

Rows: 30kg Russian Bear style.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

New Intensity Day

Bench: 100 x 1, 95 x 1, 102.5 x 1, 97.5 x 1, 100 x 2. All paused.

Squat: 172.5 x 3. Nice.

Deadlift: 175 x 5. Felt good.

Pull ups: 30 x 2 x 2, 20 x 3, 10 x 5, BW x 8.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Hip Problems

It seems I have hip tendonitis. They have just been so sore for a long time and I kept assuming they were going to just get better but it hasn't happened. Thinking back to it, it was probably in January or sometime near there when they started hurting. It could be be related to what Rippetoe talks about in his book. I was looking over it and he says that the knees sliding forward issue is something that usually develops overtime and maybe that's what has happened with me. I know it never used to be a problem but I stopped filming my sets when I started dieting and form issue may have crept in.

I've started the ibuprofen protocol and hopefully, that combined with form analysis via video, I can get through the next few weeks before the meet while also progressing my squat.

Patience Required

Bench: 101 x 3.

Squat: 170 x 3.

DL: 170 x 5.

Starting with the bench, the warm ups felt so light. I actually thought I was gonna hit 101 x 5. Maybe I lost a little concentration and got a bit sloppy with the 3rd, then missed the 4th. I was a little disapointed. Hopefully I can get some value progressing a 3RM for a couple of weeks.

Going into the squat, I was lacking a little bit mentally. Having a slightly disappointing bench takes a little bit out of the confidence levels and unfortunately, can set the trend for a bad intensity day all round. This didn't quite happen, but the squat was certainly a bit disappointing. My hips are bothering me a little and it's throwing me off in general. It has me second guessing my form a little bit and this isn't good on an intensity day. My form just didn't feel right at all. I went to film the set but unbeknownst to me, the camera was out of memory. Another disappointment. A confident me probably could of got a set of 5 today but with all that said, I think it's obvious I need to be a little patient and put an end to the 5kg jumps. I will certainly have a crack at 172.5kg next week and if I hit it for 3, I will be happy. I have some decision to make regarding volume day on Tuesday though, for squat and bench.

Deadlift went well. 170 for a comfortable yet challenging 5.

I've been obsessing over this meet coming up and It's clear I need to relax. I feel like I'm racing against the clock but I know that gets you nowhere, especially in the weight room. Patience and a realistic attitude is required at all times. I'm just disappointed I'm not hitting the numbers I used to and that's fine, but trying to make bigger jumps than I can handle will get me nowhere.

I think today will serve as a bit of a message to get me on the right track.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Light Day

Squat: 60 x 5, 100 x 2 x 5.

Press: 72.5 x 2, 62.5 x 5, 60 x 5.

DB Rows


Squats felt good. Hips didn't hurt much. I'm doing regular mobility work to try and relieve some of this discomfort. I think it's working. I'm also taking fish oil again, which when I think back to it, my hip pain coincided when I stopped taking the tabs.

Too bad I couldn't get the 3rd rep on press but it is no surprise. Might back off a little on the press in the coming weeks to try and prepare optimally for the bench at the meet on the 22nd of September.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Mixing It Up

Bench: 90 x 6 x 3, 70 x 10.

Squat: 150 x 3 x 5

Chins (with back pack on, 7kg?) 8, 7, 2. Short rest periods.

I'll let the percentage discrepancy between VD and ID increase gradually but I'm still trying to up VD and ID more or less whenever possible. 90 on the bar felt a bit heavy for a 5 x 5 so I opted for a 6 x 3. I'll probably run 3s for a while and look to add a set or two if needed.

Squat was okay except my hip flexors hurt like hell today. Will keep stretching them out.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Old Time Texas Method

Bench: 100 x 4.

Squat: 165 x 5

DL: 165 x 5.

Even though I missed that 5th rep. I'm still really happy with how the bench went. While 100kg is very average, it's still a good morale boost considering the doldrums from which I have recently emerged.

5th rep fairly hard but the squat was good. My hip flexors have been terribly sore the last couple of weeks but I've been foam rolling, stretching and massaging them and they feel a hell of a lot better. The whole squat movement just felt better today and my body felt like it handled the weight better. I'll probably make another 5kg jump for both volume and intensity days next week and then look at going to 2.5kg jumps.

DL was solid. Had a couple more in the tank.

Only realised I had forgot chins/rows when I was walking into the library.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Wanna Be An Olympian

Watching the Olympic lifters lately has got me some pumped up. Can't believe how jacked some of them are. The Kazak who won the 94kg class yesterday was freaky. and Zeilinski, the Pole who won the 88kg was jacked up to the extreme.

Press: 71 x 3, 66 x 3, 60 x 3.. This is good because I didn't have my belt today either. 3s will probably end soon. Then I'll go to 2s. Also did some behind the neck presses (40kg) just because Klokov does them! Hahaa!

Front Squat: 100 x 3 x 5

Power cleans: Worked up to 90kg but didn't feel particularly good. Will have to record and watch form. Same as front squat.

Foam roll/stretching


Rotator Cuff work

Sunday, 5 August 2012


Bench: 88.5 x 5 x 5 Not exactly easy.

Squat: 145 x 3 x 5. Nice solid workout.


Thursday, 2 August 2012


Bench: 98.5 x 5. First 3 reps went up well. 4th a little hard and 5th was a bit of a struggle.

Squat: 160 x 2 x 3. Did the first 3 fairly comfortably so I decided to hit another 3. Nice session.

DL: 160 x 5. Not too hard but have lost some strength with this lift no doubt about it. Loss in grip strength was quite noticeable. Know I can improve it quickly though.

Chins: 27.5 x 2 x 3

All in all, an encouraging session.