Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Agressive TM Set Up

Press: 70 x 3 (Hell yea!) 65 x 3, 60 x 5.

Light Squat: 100 x 5, 120 x 5.


There is a powerlifting comp on in a couple of months which I plan on entering. With that in consideration, I want to get my lifts up as high as possible, as quickly as possible. So, I'm going to be running an aggressive style of TM programming over the next few weeks i.e. taking bigger jumps (this is for my squat only as it is so far behind previous PRs and I know I have a lot of room to work with it).

I'm also incorporating the light squat because I know I just need more squat practice at the moment.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Beating Yourself

Testing yourself against others gives you an opportunity for a different experience in competing.When this is done in a team sport, another element is added; taking responsibility for others. When you know that what you do on the sporting field not only has consequences for yourself, but for all your team mates and even your opponents, you can often experience very intense emotions, not just in winning or losing but in almost every moment you fight for your team on the field and at training.

Sometimes though,  team mates, opponents and the conventions of a given sport are just a distraction. Sometimes, all you want to do is lift. Beating an opponent pales in comparison to beating yourself and this is the beauty of weight training. I think it might be unique in the way it reminds you that it isn't important what other people in life are doing, it's what you do that matters.

After Wang Mingjuan had secured the women's Olympic gold medal today, she didn't stop. She came out again and lifted more weight, just to beat herself, the French lifter celebrated with her team after breaking her previous PR a year after giving birth to her first child and while the Madagascan lifter may have finished last in the total, she set PRs in all 3 attempts of the clean and jerk. Looking at the 3, I'm not sure you could tell who was the happiest.

I've had a great 4 months playing soccer but with only 2 games top go, the championship out of reach and a strained abdominal muscle that is preventing me from sprinting properly, weight training, for the first time in a long time, is my focus once again.

Bench: 87.5 x 5 x 5

Squat: 140 x 3 x 5 (Squat now on TM. Will increase volume steadily)

Chins: 15 x 3 x 5

BB Shrugs: 60 x 20, 100 x 2 x 20

Thursday, 26 July 2012


Bench: 97.5 x 5. Very happy with this.

Chins: 25 x 5, 10 x 8,

Pull ups: BW x 8

Rows: 62.5 x 3 x 5


You need to blast the upper back to get results.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Down to 3

Squat: 155 x 3, 145 x 3. Felt heavier than last week. Maybe suffering from a bit of residual fatigue. Maybe a lighter squat session next week could help?

Press: 68.5 x 3, 62.5 x 2 x 3. If I can hit 70 x 3 next week, I will be very, very happy.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Training Smart

After careful analysis of recent training sessions, I realised that my VD was at 91% of my ID. So, with that in mind, I kept today's VD the same as last week at 87.5kg x 5 x 5. I'll probably keep it there next week too.

Barbell Rows: 60 x 3 x 5. Gonna run rows over chins for a while.




Tuesday, 17 July 2012

A Blessing Or A Curse?

Squat: 152.5 x 5, 140 x 5, 130 x 5.

The 152.5 set felt heavy.  It felt almost like a true 5 rep max (on reflection, I probably could of got 7 or maybe even 8 reps but the point it it felt damn heavy). Realistically though, recovery issues related to soccer aside, I just don't think I've been doing enough squatting. Once a week isn't a great deal and on top of that, I haven't even been doing my back off sets; that's why I did them today, in the hope they will make next weeks session easier. Also, not only did I do them, but I did them heavier, with 10kg drops opposed to 20kg drops. All in all, it was a pretty good leg workout without being devastatingly hard. I think this is what I need to spur on some progress. 

Press: 67.5 x 3, 65 x 3, 60 x 3.

Bodyweight: 80.8. This is in the middle of the day with clothes on so my actual bodyweight is probably closer to 78kg. At the moment I'm eating plenty of food and not holding back on any macros, especially fats. Cookies, chocolate, nuts and full cream milk are the order of the day yet I have only put on a marginal amount of weight. With that said, I haven't gained much, if any fat and I have gained some weight so I could view that as a positive. Really want to put on a couple of kg in the next couple of months though.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Volume Bench + Hypertrophy

Bench: 87.5 x 5 x 5. A little hard. Followed this up with a barbell rows/chins/DB rows/ curls megaset all done to failure. Instant back growth.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

95 x 5

Bench: 95 x 5. This was nice for me as it was less than 8 weeks ago that my bench was at a despicable 95 x 1. My lifts are approaching something closer to respectable which is a great feeling.

Chins: 25 x 2 x 3



Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Nice Squat Set

Squat: 150 x 7. Pushed this an extra couple of reps over the 5 seems I was pressed for time and couldn't do my usual back off sets/leg press. Had another couple of reps in the tank. Pushed fairly hard tough

Press: 66 x 2 x 3, 60 x 5.

Ronelle webt well today. Squated 30 x 3 x 5 pretty well with good form. Tested her strength a bit tough. Pressed 10 kg w/ good form too. Nice day in the gym all round

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Bumpn Up Volume Day

Bench: 86 x 5 x 5

Chins: 13. So that's the most chins I can do in a row.

Was so tired today after a couple days of sub maximal sleep, I just left it at that and went home.

Thursday, 5 July 2012


Bench: 93.5 x 5. Smashed it. Felt lighter than last week.

Chins: 25 x 2 x 3. After I loaded the belt up I realised I made a double jump from last week. Felt it too, so I decided to just hit 2 sets of 3.

DB Curls: 24 x 2 x 3. Lol. This felt a little stupid so I then hit 16 x 5 just for some volume

Mrs was squattn, pressn and deadlifting today, also did some DB rows. Last set on squats was good, form improved. Deadlifts were solid except when she forgot to set her back between reps.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Squat: 147.5 x 5. Not bad. Last rep a little heavy.

Leg Press: 180kg x 20. Quad Power. I may be imagining things, but I think the leg press stimulates weekly quad growth.

Press: 65 x 2 x 3. Beltless (forgot my gym bag!) but pretty straight forward. Will progress 3s then 2s then singles all for sets across over the next few weeks if everything goes to plan.

Monday, 2 July 2012

V Day

Bench: 85 x 5 x 5. A bit hard but good.

Chins: 12.5 x 3 x 5+1


The Mrs was in the weight room with me today. She's signed up for 12 months at the gym. Fan fucking tastic news.

She squatted the bar for 3 sets of 5 with really good form (high bar) and benched with 5kg dumbells. She couldn't handle the bar for bench but I think it's a motor pathway issue more than anything. She DB bench pressed 5kg for 5 easy sets of 10. Also DB rows. She's on a Starting Strengh like program. I'll post updates on her training regularly.