Friday, 23 December 2011

Ass Kicked

Bench: 110x1, 115xFAIL, 120 didn't attempt

Sumo Deadlift: 195x1, 195XFAIL

Terrible session. Was supposed to be hitting a new 1RM of 120 on the bench and didn't even succeed in my last warm up of 115.

Deadlift was hard. Too hard to get off the ground on my second attempt.

After about 3 weeks of drinking and poor diet, I think the effects are starting to show. I didn't get to be until the early hours of this morning and it showed in the gym today. I'm dissapointed but at the same time, I'm on holidays and I've been having a good time partying, which I haven't really done for the best part of a year. I'm going to keep trying my best in the gym but I accept the fact that this is just not the best time to be making PR attempts.

Not sure what I'll do next week, might repeat the session and try and better it.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Happy Days

Sumo:192.5x5. Still sore form Tuesday's squat session. Really wanted 5 today and just got it. 5th rep super slow.


Thursday, 15 December 2011


Didn't log Tuesday's session:

Benched then squatted 170kg x12x2. Hectic.

Today I:

Benched 110x6x1. Pretty hard.

Pressed 65x5 (fatigued after bench)

Chinned: 6kgx10

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Bench'n Heavy

Bench: 97.5x2x5, 105x4x1

Press: 68.5x4 : (

Chins: 5kg x 5, 5, 10.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Marie Antionette

Squat: 160x6x2 (2 min rest). Piece of cake. Next weeks's 170x12x2 is gonna be fun.

Chins: 40 total. Lovn' my chin'n right now.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Bench'n Press'n Chin'n

Bench: 92.5x3x2, 97.5x2x2, 86x4, 70x12.

Press: 66x6

Chins: 38 total reps. Easy.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Jus Squat & Chin Everyday

Squat: 150x10x2 (90 sec rest)

Chins: ladders (36 total). Getting easier.

Bodyweight: 89.5kg. Okay. It appears I have gained a kilo and a half. However, I doubt the reality of that. The scales are new ones at the gym that I haven't used before and my diet hasn't changed. Even if I have gained some sort of weight, I'm looking leaner than ever so yea.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Jus Bench Everyday

Bench: 92.5x5x3, 70x12.

Press: 65x5

Rows: 67.5 x5, 5, 8.

Dips: 3x10

HEAPS of running at school

Got another mate on the GSLP today...

Sunday, 27 November 2011


Bench: 92.5x2x2, 97.5x2x1, 80x4, 70x10.

Chins: 32 total

Press: 65x6. I've been thinking about how I'm gonna run the press seems I'm using it after I bench. I'll just go with one set of 6 after warmups and progress a kilo per week (assuming I make at least six).

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Deadlift Day

Deadlift: 187.5x5. 5th rep incredibly slow. Just thought, "Crush the floor with my heels".


Burpees: 4x10

Forgot rows. I'll do them tomorrow

Helped a mate train today. Taught him the lifts. He improved heaps just from the beginning of the session 'till the end. I hope he sticks at it.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Bench - Press - Chin

Bench: 92.5x5x2, 70x10

Press: 65x5, 60x6, 40x10 (more in me)

3 Rung Chin Ladders: x5 (30 total)

Bench didn't feel light :(

I'll be right.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Lifting With A Plan

The programming madness has come to an end.

I am running Steel's squat program as laid out in Train Like An Athlete and benching as he lays out in his Get A Big Bench  program, unless he recommends that I bench as he lays out in Train Like An Athlete too (I'm awaiting a reply on his forum).

I like the structure of percentages and periodization. There is more than one way to skin a cat and there is certainly more than one way to get strong, but for me, I think this is just the way to go.

So, today I squatted and I did: 140x10x2 (1 min rest between sets)
Chins: 4 ladders, 3 rungs.
Rows: 67.5 x 5, 5, 6.

BW: 88.1kg

Saturday, 19 November 2011

A Day In The Gym

Bench: 100 x 7 (singles on the minute)

Sumo DL: 185x2x4. Pussed out after the fourth rep. Did another set to make amends.

Chins/Burpee: 5/10, 5/10, 5/10

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Capture The Flag

Played for about 45mins with the kids at school. Plenty of sprinting - one helluva workout

Is 3 The Magic Number?

I think it could be so this is going to be my new program:

Greyskull Methods Style (people often say GSLP but I prefer Greyskull Methods) training with sets of 3s as well as heavy doubles or singles. So, a 2x3 and a 1x max rep set on a given day followed by the doubles or singles for that same lift later in the week. Main lifts will operate in this fashion, other exercises will operate under a 2x5 + 1x max rep or 2 sets in the 12-15 rep range.


Bench/Press: 2x3 + 1xMR (max rep)
Squat: 2x3 + 1xMR
Curl variant: 2x 12-15

Press/Bench: 2x3, +1xMR
Lateral Raises (on Press day)/Dips (Bench day): 1x15-20
Rows: 2x5 +1xMR
LTE (Lying Tricep Extension): 2x5 +1xMR
Pull Up ladders

Bench/Press: Heavy singles, doubles or a triple
Squat: Heavy singles, doubles or a triple
Deadlift: 1xMR

I'm going to pick moderate weights to start with and go from there.

You could look at my training lately and say I've been "programme hopping". That would be one way to look at it but I prefer to say that I am experimenting and learning for myself about how I like to train. I've never stopped going hard, no matter what I've been doing, so I don;t see what it matters to be honest.

This is what I did today:

Lateral Raises: 8x15 + 5 standing

Press: 62.5x3, 3, 8

Rows: 65x5, 5, 8

LTE: 40x5, 5, 12

Pull Ups: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3.

Bodyweight: 88.9kg.


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Cricket Balls

Spent 6 hours retrieving cricket balls for an event in the schools athletic carnival that I'm doing my teaching practice at. The kids threw the ball as far as they could, I retrieved it and threw it back. There must of been 10 classes with 15 kids each and each kid got 3 throws so that's somewhere in the vicinity of 450 cricket balls. it was hot as hell too.

So after that, I hit the gym up and during my squat warm up my legs were shaking. My knees and hips were aching from spending all day bending over and picking up cricket balls (I feel like I'm going to have nightmares about cricket balls). I felt like going home. It felt like I couldn't squat for shit. Then I realised going home wasn't going to improve my squat and decided to at least do a couple of doubles. I had planned on doing 182.5x6 but didn't feel like I had it in me.

After my first double I got loosened up a bit and ended up doing 182.5x4x2. So all in all, not a bad session.

Got my Greyskull shirt in the mail too. Looks awesome and fits perfect. It's been a tough couple of weeks in the gym but I'm sure the little piece of Greyskull will give me the extra 10% moral boost I need at the moment.

DB Bench: 42x6, 36x8. These didn't feel good. I'm having trouble rocking back with the weight and using my knees to propel the weight in a starting position with my elbows locked out. Tried to do it and strained my front/side delt in some way. Thinking about going back to barbell bench.

Squat: 182.5kg/401.5lbx4x2.

Seated Alternate Dumbell Curl: 14x15, x10 +3 standing. What the fuck. This was a 3rep PR! haha.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Wanna Feel Good? Run Till It Hurts

Ran a 300m hill, walked down the other side, jogged for about 500m, turned around and sprinted up the other side of hill. I was in some pain but man it felt good.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Leg Press A Staple?

DB Shallow Incline: 42x6, 36x9

Sumo Deadlift: 182.5x6. Nice. I gotta persist with sumo. This set felt good. Feet a little closer together.

Leg Press: 160x25. I got on the hack squat machine planning to do a big set but the machine was making some really annoying sound each rep. So I got off and moved myself across to the leg press. Did a few warm up reps and popped 4 plates on either side with the intention of doing at least 20. I believe I had done 200 for 15 before but my experience with the leg press is minimal. I placed my feet up a little higher on the plate and this allowed for more ROM and felt more comfortable. I got to the 19th rep and wanted to cry. Did six more and called it a day. Instant quad swell. Next week will be 180x25.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Decent Session

Lateral Raises: 8x20

Seated DB Press: 30x6 +2 forced, 26x10 +3 forced

Rows: 72.5x5,70x2x5, 60x6. Just trying to practice technique. Felt weak with them.

LTE: 40x10, 8.

Hill sprints x6

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

89.4kg : /

DB Bench: 42x6, 34x10

Squat: 182.5x3, 145x10

Seated Alternate DB Curl: 14x12, x10+2

Was sick the last three days, ate almost nothing and still wasn't feeling 100% today but was keen for a session. Squats obviously didn't go to well but expecting to crush a set when you haven't been well just ins't realistic. Went hard on the lighter set and it hurt.

Weighed myself after the session: 89.4kg. This is down about 2kg from only a week ago. Obviously the fact that I was sick and didn't eat for three days has accelerated the weight loss but I still suspect my caloric intake is too low and I'm losing weight too fast. I'm gonna up the carb intake to a minimum of 150-175g per day and about 220-240g on training days. Definitely looking a lot better though. My chest, shoulders, arms and thighs are visibly leaner. I look smaller with a shirt on, but bigger with my shirt off if you know what I mean. Leaner looks bigger.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Not Well

Real shit day in the gym today. More than just lacking energy, I was feeling totally exhausted to the point that I could of lay down in the gym and gone to sleep. I'm feeling like I must have some sort of bug I'm trying to fight off. Would of taken the day off but the thing is I didn't feel too bad when I got up, I just got progressively worse as the session went on.

All in all, no big deal. I know these sort of days come around once in a while and I don't get shitty when they do. Will go hard again next time.

DB Shallow Incline: 40x8, 34x12.

Conventional Deadlift: 182.5x3. Got the same weight for 6 last week with a sumo stance. I know I wasn't 100% today but I feel like I should persist with sumo.

No front squats. I had enough trouble just walking to my car and driving home.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Leaner, Bigger, Stronger

Lateral Raises: 7x17 +3.

Seated DB Press: 28x8, 24x10 +0. Tried a little rest-pause with this one but didn't make the rep. Maybe wait a little longer than 10seconds?

Rows: 75x6, (too heavy) 60x12.

LTE: I'm going to replace tricep extensions with these. 37.5x12, 10.

Chins: 10, 6.

Great session. Also did 8 hill sprints yesterday.

"The best thing about getting leaner is that it makes you look bigger".

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Squat 182.5kg x8. Would like to achieve this in the next 2 months.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Who Needs Calories When You've Got Intensity?

DB Bench: 40 x7, 32x11. Man, these were hard. My whole arms, shoulders and pecs got a pump out of these. Obviously not used to using dumbbells.

Squat: 180x6, 140x10. A tough session, and a good start but I want to build on this and hit more reps next week. Got a pretty mean pump though. Quads were cramping when I was walking down the stairs.

Seated Alternate DB curls: 14x12, 14x10. Left hand was way harder than right.

Bodyweight: 91.5. Down about 800g from 8 days ago.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Big, Lean or Big AND Lean...

Bench: 107.5x2, these were a bit heavy, 100x3. Lost my ankle weights somehow so couldn't microload to 106. Hit the 100x3 just to get a bit more volume in.

Sumo: 182.5x5. Have to work on my form. They feel good but also unbalanced.

Front Squat: 100x3. Fucking hurt my wrists big time. Also struggled to get in a great position on the delts. Also, I don't understand how I'm supposed to get my feet in the right position when I can't see them...?

Didn't back squat today. I was lacking in energy and felt lethargic. Couldn't see a productive squat session happening. I'm not going to continue on the TM while I'm in a caloric deficit and trying to get to sub 10% body fat. Gonna get into some high rep stuff from next week.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

8x3 Bench & 6x3 Squat + Tuesday Bull Rush


Bench: 95x8x3. Moderately hard.

Squat: 167.5x6x3. Fairly hard.


First day of practicum today. Went well. Played bull rush with the kids. That'll do for conditioning.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

40mx2x4 &100x1


40s were done back to back. I would just turn around, get set and run the other way. Two sets of four.

Then just ran 1x100

Friday, 21 October 2011

Hardest 5 reps ever

Bench: 105x3x2. I'm loving these sets of 2.

Squat: 190x5. This is a 2 rep PR. For the second week running I wasn't fully recovered. I brought my intensity day forward a day this week so I can get back to a Monday, Wednesday and Friday schedule. After the third rep I felt that was it but I was determined to hit that PR. 4th rep was a grind and the 5th was insanity. I completely dropped my chest and it was the hardest, slowest rep I have ever done.

Didn't deadlift this week seems the 5RM was so punishing.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Sets of 3

Bench: 92.5x8x3, 80x8  (no rest).

Squat: 165x6x3 then some front squats with 60 and 80kg. Felt awkward.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Sunday Conditioining

25 Turkish Get-ups: 6kg dumbells

Clap Push-ups: 3x10

Cricket Pitch up and backs x5

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Nice PRs + "Hello Sumo"

Squat: 195x3. This is a 1rep PR so I'm happy. My lower back and legs did not feel fully recovered today and the warm up certainly felt heavy. I wasn't that confident going into the heavy set of 3 but I got through it okay. I don't think I'll be doing hill sprints on Wednesdays again. Keep the conditioning to earlier in the week.

It is certain that I've lost weight though. I got the prong in my belt down to the 3rd hole which is 2 holes tighter than what it was recently. So my changed diet with fewer carbs is certainly taking the weight off. I'll just have to make sure I'm not eating too few, especially considering I didn't feel fully recovered today.

Bench: 103.5x3x2. I was real happy with this seems my last PR in the bench was 102.5x4 some time ago. I guess that's what it's all about; be a bit more creative and find set/rep schemes that work for you.

Sumo: 190x3. My first ever sumo and the best part about this was that it was an easy three. My lower back doesn't even feel like I've deadlifted. I have to say, I have fallen in love with the sumo and I feel like I'm going to be able to add significant poundage to my PR. My technique was a little unbalanced but damn it felt good.

Vertical Jump

Tested my vertical jump today at work using a wall and a bit of chalk. I had to measure the distance with a bit of paper then measure the paper with a tape measure when I got home. It ended up being 26inches. This seems like a decent score considering I'm certainly not lean and I'm sure I have room for improvement. I'm gonna start doing box jumps and power cleans and see if I can't add a couple of inches to my jump.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Walk, Run & Hill Sprint x3

A Great Post On Bas' Barbell

Why I Train

Cristi Bartlett

I train because I thrive on being strong and I strive to be stronger. I train because if necessary, I want to be conditioned to be able to carry the weight of the world on my back. I train because I want to separate myself from the masses. I train because for 90 minutes out of the day, I deserve a quiet mind. I train because it is of paramount importance to my life. I train because I cannot even begin to imagine life without it. I train because mediocrity is not an option. I train because I enjoy overcoming challenges set in front of me. I train because I want to be able to do the extraordinary. I train because I want to become a better me. I train because I love it.

And obviously, I train because I am constantly trying to find ways to increase my “monster status” in the world. And most importantly, I train because unless I do, I don't feel as though I deserve my daily dose of the anabolic liquid, Ketel One. That is all.

Cristi is an Assistant Strength Coach at the University of Pennsylvania. She currently boasts in the gym lifts of 450x2 in the deadlift and a 245lb bench press at 181.

Cristi Bartlett

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A Bunch Of Stuff

Barbell Row (Pendlay style): 70x2x5, 70x10. Gonna run GSLP programming on these.

Press: 70x3, 72.5x2, 75x2, 77.5x1. I'm gonna run a percentage based programming on these from next week and see if I can't get any progress out of it while I continue to bench in Tuesday and Saturday.

BB Shrugs (1min rest): 100x12, 120x12, 140x8, 160x5, 120x25. Steel inspired. I'm gonna try and make rep PRs before I add weight to the bar on these.

PCs: 60x2, 62.5x2x2.

Chins/Pull ups: 6/5, 6/3, 6/2. From next week I'm gonna set myself a target of 32 next week and keep increasing total reps by 2 each week. I'll run chins for  4 weeks then run pull-ups for 4 weeks.

Dips: 10, 10,10. Next week: 32 total. Might do these dips on volume day next week after bench.

8km walk

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Back to Texas Method

Squat: 160x5x3, 140x8.

Bench: 92.5x5x3, (30 seconds rest) 80x8. Didn't plan on doing sets of three but the bench (and squat for that matter), felt pretty heavy.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

HUGE Deadlift PR


Easy. That's about a 40lb PR.

Also did some tricep stuff.

Just some Presses


72.5x2, 72.5x2, 75x2, 72.5x2, 72.5x2, 72.5x2.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Too Tired for Heaps of Volume

Had heaps of assignments the last couple of weeks and haven't had much sleep the last couple of days. No way I could handle all the volume in the program today so I did a couple of different things.

Squat: 200 x 2. Second rep I got stuck at halfway coming back up but I wasn't giving that point some guy came running in to spot me by grabbing me under the arms and pushing me up. I didn't really see him coming but as soon as I felt his hands I yelled out "Nah!! Nah!!" he let go and I got the rep. Not sure if he helped at all. He probably did in some small way. Not sure. Anyway, I certainly felt I had a 2nd rep in me. I made it even more difficult so because I came forward slightly at the bottom and miss timed my bounce.

Bench: 100x4. Bit disappointing but I'll work on it. Bench seems temperamental. The fact that different plates in the gym probably don't weigh the same wouldn't help. I actually wanted 6 reps as it would of been a PR but not to be today.

Curls: 3 sets, short rest. 16kg-12kg.

Chins: 9. That was my max effort. Not very good but I'm working on bringing bodyfat down. I beleieve I may have lost 1kg. Current bodyweight 93kg.

Program with Steel wraps up this week. Feel like I've definitely learned some things. It's been a good experience. I believe I've gained some upper body mass but also lost fat. Contrary to popular belief I know...

Looking forward to getting back training with a bit more of a strength focus.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Day 11

I estimated my deadlift 1RM at 200kg. So, this was today's deadlift workout:

140x2, 150x2, 160x2, 170x5x3, 140x2x7. I wanted to give up after the second set of 170. It was so damn hard. Maybe the hardest thing I've done thus far in a weight room; mentally as well as physically. I'm so not used to volume on the deadlift. I still find the fact that I did 35reps above 300lbs, considering my 1RM is about 440lbs, pretty crazy.

Rest of the workout was:

Bent Row: 40x5, 62.5x5, 65x5, 67.5x5, 70x5, 72.5x5.

Chins: 30 total.

Alternate DB Curls: 8x12, 9x12, 10x12, 12x12, 10x12.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Day 10

Bench: 92.5x5x4, 80x2x6

Dips: 65 total.

Press: 60x2x3, 62.5x3, 63.5x3, 63.5x2 (3rd rep fail). A little to heavy.

Kirks: 60x5x5

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Day 9

Squat: 140x1, 160x1, 180x2x1, 160x4x3, 130x12. The 12 rep set hurts.

Leg Press: 80x15, 120x2x15, 160x15, 180x15. That last set hurt a little too.

Chins: 36 total. I still hate chins.

One Arm Row: 16x6, 26x6, 28x6, 30x6, 32x6, 12x2x20.

Hammer Curls: 12x3x12, 10x2x12.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Day 8

Bench: 80x5x6, 65x15.

DB Incline: 26x6, 28x6, 30x6, 32x6, 34x6, 36x6, 12x20.

DB Shrugs: 34x2x12, 36x12, 38x12, 40x12, 44x12.

Dips: 8, 8, 8, 10.

Push Ups: 5x10.

Hell of a workout. Noticeable gains already.

Day 7

Deadlift: 155x5x3, 135x2x6. I know the weights are light but the volume for this just killed me. My hand were also destroyed from gripping the bar so much. Got blisters.

Bent Rows: 40x5, 60x5, 62.5x5, 65x5, 67.5x5.

Chins: 6,6,5,3,3,3,4,3,3.

DB Curls: 14x12, 12x2x12.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Day 6

Bench: 92.5x5x3, 75x12

Press: 40x4, 42.5x4, 45x4, 50x4, 60x4, Bar only x2x20

BB Shrugs: 100x5, 120x5, 130x5, 140x5, 150x5, 100x20

Dips: 60 total.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Day 5

Squat: 170x5x2, 130x12. The sets across were all good but the twelve rep set was tough. Had to really suck them in after 10.

Leg Press: 5 sets of 12. Worked up to 5 plates.

DB Rows: 18x20, 14x: 16, 12, 8, 6, 20.

Chins: 34 total

DB Curls: 12x3x12

Liam Messam the All Black flanker was in the gym today. He's been a regular for New Zealand lately but was controversially left out of the World Cup squad. He could probably best be described as huge. He did a bunch of 100kg bench sets (full ROM), incline bench in the smith machine, tricep pushdowns, bent over lateral dumbell raises but no squats unfortunately.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

"One For The Apocalypse"

Day 4

Bench: 80x5x5, 65x15.

DB Incline: 20x6, 24x6, 28x6, 34x6, 36x5 (was supposed to be 6 but didn't want to go to failure) 26x8 (was supposed to be 12) 18x12 (got this one right). With only about 40 seconds rest between sets, these DB inclines ended up being pretty tough after my bench session. Misjudged the increments a little but no big problem. Will have a better idea of my ranges for next week.

BB Shrugs: 60x12, 70x12, 80x12, 100x12 (straps)

Dips: 30 total

Push ups: 5x10.

My chest got absolutely destroyed.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Volume Can Be A Little Brutal

Day 3

Deadlift: 115x4, 135x2, 155x5x2, 137.5x5, 127.5x8. Fried my lower back.

Bent row: 40x6, 60x6, 62.5x6, 65x6, 70x6, 60x12

Chins: 30 total

Dumbell curls: 12x12, 14x12, 12x12.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Damn 60 Dips Was Tough

Day 2

Dips:10, 10, 10.

Bench: 60x5, 70x4, 82.5x2, 92.5x5x2, 70x14.

Press: 40x6, 45x2x6, 47.5x6, 45x6, 30x12, 30x8. The last 2 sets were supposed to be for 12 but I overestimated my capabilities. Everything other than the bench, squat and deadlift is done with only 1 minute rest so it is very hard. This press session destroyed me.

Dips: 5, 5, 10, 5, 5. Doing these after the press destroyed me.

DB Shrugs: 16x6 (too light), 26x6 (too light), 34x6 (pretty light), 44x2x6 (pretty heavy), 32x12 (too light), 40x12 (better).

Just getting used to what sort of numbers I need to use. All assistance exercises are done with ascending sets then with a back off set or two at a lighter weight with higher reps.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Steel's Program

I got a consult with Jim Steel (powerlifter, 850lbs squatter and University of Pennsylvania strength coach) a few days back. He's put me on a new program, using percentages and with a lot of volume in the aim of adding some mass, especially to the upper body. I think this is a good idea.

I did the following on Tuesday:

Squat: 100x5, 120x4, 140x2, 160x5x2, 120x12. Felt good. Wasn't used to high rep squats.

Leg Press: 5x10. Worked up to 5 plates.

Chins: 30 total

One arm row: 5x12, Worked up to a set at 20kg.

Curls: 3x12

All in all it was a fun day. I've got faith in the program.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Probably Should take A few Days Off

Bench: 102.5 x 4, 5th rep failed

Squat: 200 x 1, 2nd rep failed.

Did not attempt deadlifts.

I was sick today and it showed in the session. Probably should have stayed home and rested.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011


Light squat: 125 x 2 x 5

Medium press: 60 x 2 x 5 & 1 x 3.

A fair few curls too. Chased a nice pump. haha.

Tuesday Assistance

Power Cleans: see video

LTE: 40 x 3 x 6. Triceps a little sore. Cut reps from 8 to 6.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Volume Day

Bench: 91 x 5 x 5

Squat: 167.5 x 3 x 5

Squats felt pretty heavy. I butchered the first rep of the third set. Came right onto my toes. Recovered for the rest of the set okay.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Friday, 2 September 2011

Not 100% But Gave 110%

Haven't been feeling the best the last couple of days and when I woke up this morning I considered taking a day off. In the end though I felt like I could get through the session.

Bench: 101 x 5. Fairly comfortable.

Squat: 197.5 x 1, 200 x 1. I just wanted to hit 200 today. It came up with a bit of speed too so that was encouraging. Had my mate Chris (loves his bench but still a good squatter) from the gym spotting me, yelling at me and making sure I hit depth.

I was pumped up for the squat session no doubt, but I feel like I was a little more relaxed at the same time. I think I may just be getting used to handling heavier weights. Next week will probably go for 200 x 2.

DL: 182.5 x 3. Kind of hard on the lower back but I think that's what the dead lift is all about. Gotta work through the pain barrier a little bit.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

"Light Day"?

Skipped light day today. I went to the park, did some dynamic stretching, light running and kicked the soccer ball around instead. Good stuff.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011


RDL: 70 x 3 x 8. Used straps. EZ-PZ.

LTE: 40 x 3 x 8.

Chins: 8.5 x 3 x 5. Very hard. Chins haven't improved much at all in months. I'm not sure if adding weight to the chins while I continue to add weight to my body is very realistic. I might just look at doing bodyweight chins.

Conditioning: 40m hill sprint x 7. Feeling pretty tired after yesterday but I knew I had to get out of the house and do something. Felt pretty good after the sprints.

Monday, 29 August 2011

A 3 x 5

Squat: 165 x 3 x 5. I remember reading what Justin Lascek said about the Texas Method in regards to volume day. He mentioned doing a third of the reps done on volume day on intensity day. I'm progressing a 2 rep max at the moment so I thought it might be better to go down to a 3 x 5 opposed to a 5 x 5. With that said, I bumped the weight up an extra 5 kilos. It was a tough squat session but I probably preferred it to a 5 x 5 at a more sub maximal weight anyway. I suppose as intensity day weight increases, the volume day 5 x 5 probably isn't as realistic in some ways. It has to be modified to some extent at least.

It will be interesting to see how my intensity progresses over the next couple weeks. My immediate goal is to squat 200kg and I figure I should manage that.I read something interesting from Jim Wendler yesterday about only being able to train within 90% of your one rep max for a couple of weeks before the body begins to fail in recovery. In doing the TM, my one rep max is changing every week but with that said, I must be approaching my 1 RM.

Bench: 90 x 4 x 5, 95 x 1 x 5. First four sets were easy so I thought I would bump up the 5th set 5 kg. Did it comfortably. It seems like I will have to program bench volume differently to squat volume.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Saturday Condish

Run around the park, did a bunch of sprints and other stuff kicking the soccer ball. It was good times.

Friday, 26 August 2011


Press: 72.5 x 5

Squat: 195 x 2

DL: 180 x 3

A good day in the gym.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

2.5 Hour Walk Plus Light Day

I got up this morning, had breakfast and then decided to go for a walk. I thought I would do the typical 45min track down the river. I got to mu usual spot where I would turn around but I thought I would just keep going. I ventured all the way down the river into the centre of town. It took about 2.5 hours. The walk was absolutely beautiful. The scenery along the Waikato River is amazing, I had such a great time.

After I got into town, I picked the car up from the Mrs, drove to the gym and proceeded to do my light day routine.

Squat: 125 x 2 x 5

DC: 18 x 3 x 12

After the session I walked around the rec centre where my gym is located. There's quite a bit of area that I've never explored. In my travels I found a fancy looking electronic scale, which is handy because my scales are home are broken. I hoped on and weighed in at 93.5kg.

After that I drove back into town, met the Mrs and walked around town for about 2 hours looking for a present for a friend.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Assistance And Hill Sprints

RDL: 65 x 3 x 8

LTE: 38.5 x 3 x 8

Conditioning: River hill sprint x 5. Hard stuff.

Monday, 22 August 2011


Press: 63.5 x 5 x 5

Squat: 160 x 5 x 5

Press was fairly easy. Squats were pretty hard.

I really don't have the motivation to do pull ups after a 5 x 5 squat session. I'm dropping them out of the programme and I'll just progress chins on Tuesdays or Fridays.

"Jarryd Hayne is more than a footballer. He is a example of athleticism at its most elite level. Like Muhammed Ali, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, Jarryd Hayne has the ability to take the game of Rugby League to dizzy heights that the game's organizers never would of thought possible."

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Running Down A Dream...

20m x 3
40m x 6
Up and Backs x 2

A 1 rep improvement on the 40s and the up and backs. I'm certainly not feeling fast yet, I have a few niggles in my hips and hamstrings but that is too be expected as I haven't sprinted for such a long time. I'm looking forward to improving and possibly burning off a little be of bodyfat in the process.

Friday, 19 August 2011

It's An Attitude

Bench: 100 x 5. Crushed it.

Squat: 192.5 x 3. Felt lighter than last week.

DL: 177.5 x 3. Had a couple more in me.

Hitting PRs and gaining mass isn't all that's important. Go in there, believe in yourself and have fun. Everything else is just a consequence.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Light Day

Light Squat: 123 x 2 x 5

Dumbell Curls: 20 x 10, 12 x 12, 14 x 12

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Tuesday: Conditioning Improving

Power Cleans: 40 x 3 x 3

RDL: 62.5 x 3 x 8. Forearms don't have the grip strength I need. I tried the hook grip but that didn't seem to work at all. I will have to look into it.

LTE (lying tricep extension): 37.5 x 3 x 8

Conditioning: Street run with two hill sprints. Easier than last week. Didn't have to stop running for a breather between hill sprints.

"You've never made it."

Monday, 15 August 2011

Another Volume Day

Bench: 90 x 5 x 5

Squat: 160 x 5 x 5

Chins: 7.5 x 3 x 5

"Get huge everyday"

Saturday, 13 August 2011

The funny thing is, I’d always try to get Carlo to do extra workouts with me. I’d say, “Carlo, come back to the gym with me and do some bent rows and skull crushers.” he’d laugh and always say, “Nah, man.” Then he’d go home and grow some more.

-Jim Steel

Saturday Conditioning

Dynamic stretches
Stride troughs 40m x 2
Sprints: 20m x 3
Sprints: 40m x 5
"Up and Backs" x 1. 5 markers spaced 10m apart in a line. Start at the the first marker on your belly. Get up and sprint to the third marker, go around it and sprint back to the second marker, get on your belly, get straight back up and start the process over. So effectively it's up two and back one. Work your way through all the markers and you finish when you get back to the first marker. That's one rep.

I only did one today because I've got to start slow. Next week I'll do two reps and add a 6th rep in the 40m sprint.

Iron MIke Webster

I just read a great article over on startingstrength.comHere it is.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Back To Big

Press: 71 x 5

Squat: 190 x 3.

Dead lift: 175 x 3.

Great day in the gym. Very rewarding. There's not a much better feeling when you do something when your not sure if you can.

I was thinking about trying to lean out and loose a bit of weight but I think that would be something best to do when I'm done with this cycle of the Texas Method. Considering I still want to drive my strength and lean body mass up, it would be a bit counter productive to try and go on lean gains. With that said, I'm gonna stay enthusiastic about my two conditioning session per week.

"Get big today. Get abs tomorrow."

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Tuesday Conditioning

Some sprints, kicking the soccer ball. It was great.

Some Assistance

Back extensions: BW x 5 x 10.

Lying triceps extensions: 35 x 3 x 10.

Power cleans: 60 x 3 x 3. I think these were pretty bad. Next time I'll definitely do them first. My back was gone after the extensions.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Pull ups PR

Squats: 165 x 5, 160 x 5, 155 x 2 x 5. Mixed it up a little bit with the volume squats. It was a little more enjoyable.

Press: 63.5 x 4 x 5. Did 4 sets as it was my first volume day with the press.

Pull ups: BW x 2 x 5, 1 x 7. Getting better.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Saturday Soccer

I forgot to mention last week I played about 20 mins of soccer as I did today for my mates team. It was good fun and good conditioning. Last week we won 7-0 and this week 4-0! I almost scored a screamer from about 30 metres out but the keeper made a ridiculous save, just tipping it over the bar. The save was actually absurd. I played in CM is a box to box type role. I won a lot of tackles which was fun.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Disappointing PRs

I'm feeling a bit philosophical at the moment; I guess that's just my way of dealing with the disappointment of today's session.

Bench: 100 x 3. 4th rep failed. I was going for 5. Don't really know what to say about this. It makes me angry thinking about it. 3 months ago I hit 100 x 3 x 5, did another reset, expected good results, then this happens. It's bullshit. One logical explanation is that over the last few weeks I have been trying to keep my elbows tucked and this change in form will make my bench momentarily suffer. Anyway, I'll have a think about what to do then just keep trying to improve.

Squat: 187.5 x 3. Third rep incredibly hard and slow.

Dead lift: 185 x 1. Second rep failed. Was going for 3. This is also shit. It felt weird failing a dead lift rep. I'm sure that has never happened before.I hit 182.5 for a very comfortable 3 last week. In fairness though, last week I didn't squat first. I probably should of waited 5 -10 mins after today's squat session before I dead lifted.

At the end of the day there's no point whinging. It's not all about the numbers anyway.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Big Time DOMS

Hamstrings have been killing me since yesterday after volume squats. It made light squats feel like pretty heavy squats.

Squat light: 120 x 2 x 5.

Press medium: 60 x 3 x 5.

DC: 20 x 8, 18 x 10, 18 x 8, 12.5 x 10.

stretching and foam rolling

"If your not lifting, what are you doing?"

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Tuesday Conditioning

Conditioning: Around the block high intensity run incorporating two hill sprints

This Tuesday session will be modified as I get fitter. I will also be logging a Saturday session.

Monday, 1 August 2011


Bench: 80 x 5, 82.5 x 5, 85 x 5, 87.5 x 5, 90 x 5. First volume day for bench.

Squat: 157.5 x 4 x 5. They felt light on my back but a little heavy on my legs. I felt slightly uncoordinated too, probably cause I haven't squatted in a week. A few reps were a bit dodgy. I didn't keep the weight on my heels a couple of times.

Chins: 6.25 x 3 x 5

Had a bit of a chat with a guy named Chris at the gym today. He's got a bit of a powerlifting/bodybuilding and swimming background. Now he says he does powerbuilding. He's a big strong guy, 100kg and lean. He can bench around 170kg. I asked him, out of curiosity, how many grams of protein he goes for in a day. In fairness, I don't think he's trying to put on weight but he said about 200grams is all he needs. That, along with some other info I have been getting, makes me think 300g of protein per day at my bodyweight of 90kg is probably a bit excessive. I'll set a revised target at around 250g per day.

Sunday, 31 July 2011


Power Cleans: 60kg x 4 x 3

Press: 70 x 3 x 5

Dead lift: 182.5 x 3. Will just keep progressing 3 RM. I bumped the weight up 10kg because I felt it was unnecessarily lighter than my squat.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Having A Rest

I'm not working out today and I'm not going to squat much this week (except for maybe a bit of a light squat on Wednesday). I just feel like I need a bit of a break, I'm not sure how long it's been but I haven't missed a session for months and I'm not sure I've missed a squat session since I first started training 7 months ago. I'm still going to do upper body stuff this week though. I'll deadlift too. Probably.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Living Large - Winter 2011

When I was in Aus recently, we took a bunch of footage of ourselves lifting and hanging out. Jords just finished editing the production: Lifting Large - Winter 2011.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Too Much Volume? Probably.

I've been feeling less than 100% all week. I'll knock 1 or 2 sets off volume day next week and hope to freshen up. Other than that though, today was a mixed session. I accidentally bumped up the squat and deadlift and extra 2.5 kg. I only realised this when I got in my car to drive home and re looked over my log. No wonder the squat felt extra heavy. Deadlift was okay though.

Press: 68.5 x 3 x 5. Decent

Squat: 190 x 2. I was obviously really dissapointed with this at the time as I didn't realise I added an extra 2.5 kg. Still though, I would of liked at least 3 reps. I'll try and hit 187.5 x 3 next week then 190 x 3 the week after.

Deadlift: 170 x 5. Not bad. 5th rep a little heavy.

EZSC: 30 x 1 x 12 (too easy), 35 x 2 x 8.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Curls probably the highlight...

Bench: 97.5 x 3 x 5. Bench has gotten nowhere since the last reset which is a little frustrating. At least know I know for sure that resetting doesn't work forever...

Squat: 120 x 2 x 5.

Dumbell curls: 20 x 3 x 10. Last couple of reps weren't strict.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Monday, 18 July 2011

5 x 5s And Burger Feeds

After three weeks of 155kg on volume day, today I upped  it to 157.5kg. I only managed four sets last week as I was feeling pretty tired but this week I was feeling a bit fresher so I pushed out the 5th set. It was pretty hard but I got it. Afterwards I thought what better way to celebrate than going out and having post workout burger feed? So that's exactly what I did. A large double quarter pounder meal with a chocolate thick shake later and I think my glutes have already grown a good inch. Get huge.

Squat: 157.5 x 5 x 5.

Press: 67.5 x 3 x 5.

Pullups: BW x 5 x 2, BW x 6 x 1.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Back To Work

First session away from The Dungeon but I generated the intensity required. I was feeling pretty sad beforehand but after squatting 185 x 5 I was feeling a lot better.

Squat: 185 x 5. I forgot to put a collar on one end of the bar. No major drama but I have got to try and pay more attention.

DL: 165 x 5. A little heavy.

Weighted chins: 5 x 3 x 5.

Driving home I realised I forgot to press!!!

Last Session In The Dungeon

So very sad to be leaving behind The Dungeon. I'll try not to focus on it though.

Pushed the prowler again after Wednesday's session. Hectic stuff. Man, it targets the quads.

Bench: 96 x 1 x 4, x 1 x 5, x 1 x 6. Didn't warm up properly. Made up for it on the third set.

EZC: 41 x 1 x 10, x 2 x 8.

Pushed Prowler instead of light squats.

Monday, 11 July 2011

400lbs Squat


I got the 400lbs squat on Friday. It was a great day. Jords, Nicko and the dungeon not to mention Thin Lizzy blaring. Great times. Jords as well as the guys on Strength Villain have been a huge help to my training thus far and for that I am grateful.

Squat: 182.5 x 5.

Bench: 95 x 3 x 5.

DL: 162.5 x 5.

Chins: 5 x 2, x 11.


Squat: 155 x 4 x 5. Had to cut down a set. Too sore.

Seated press: 66 x 2 x 5, x 6.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

A Few Curls And The Prowler

Press: 65 x 2 x 5, 1 x 6.

EZC: 40 x 2 x 10, 1 x 6 + 4.

Squat: 125 x 2 x 5.

Some prolwer pushing.

*Weight/sets/reps from now on.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Sad Bench

Squat: 155 x 5 x 5.

Bench: 95 x 5 x 1, x 4 x 2.

Pull-ups: 5 x 1, 4 x 2.

Sad day on the bench. I'm lifting 5kg less than what I was a couple of weeks ago. Probably a few issues; programming, inntensity, fatigue...etc. Not to worry though. I'll wait 'till my press stalls then get on TM for both lifts. I'll repeat my bench in the mean time.

Nicko began his journey today.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Jords, The Dungeon & Rage Against The Machine

This was the funnest session I have ever had. First I got the 180kg squat for a set of 5 and then I smashed an 8 rep deadlift set at 160kg. Having Jords there with some great music was awesome as it's a privilege I usually never have.

Squat: 180 x 5

Press: 62.5 x 5 x 2, x 10

DL: 160 x 8

EZSC: 30 x 10 x 3

Pull-ups: 5 x 2, x 6.

"I challenge you to lift and try to not feel good"

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Bench Progress Slowing

Light day today and unfortunately, for the second consecutive bench session, I made no rep PR. So, progress is definitely slowing on the GSLP. I will keep trying to bust out PRs though but when it stalls again, I'll move it and the press over to the Texas Method.

Bench: 93.5 x 5 x 2, x 6.

Light Squat: 125 x 5 x 2.

EZC: 40 x 12, x 10, x 8.

Jords and I spoke to my great friend Nicko last night. Looks like he might be taking up training. Benefits unlimited.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

I Wanna Be Huge AND Lean

Gonna take the dog for a run in the bush. As well as the fasted cardio I've been doing, I'm adding a high intensity conditioning session on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

"Live the lean dream"

Monday, 27 June 2011

Bigger, Better Blog.

Welcome to my new blog. It is a training log that will chronicle my training and anything else directly or indirectly related to getting huge. I also keep a log over at It's a great place. I previously kept a log over at for a few days but realistically, the title wasn't good enough. Especially after Jords came up with the incredibly good

Current stats:
24 year old male
Body weight: 90kg (198lbs)
Height: 178cm (5'10)

Here's my first ever log entry which was on

December 8 2010
Hi everyone,
Unfortunately about 4 years ago I gave up training. However thanks to a friend that also frequents this site, as well as the philosophy of Rippetoe and the great atmosphere and information on strenghvillain, I have a new found vigor for training.

I'm currently living in N.Z but just got back from a month in Aus where my mate gave me some tutelage in lifting and conditioning which was awesome. Since getting back I hastily joined the gym (got a great student deal) and kept up the program I was doing in Aus. I'm absolutely loving it and now more than ever I realise what a mistake it was to give up on training in the first place.

Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Weight: 74kg (162 lbs)

Squats: 3x5 @ 85kg
Dead lift: Worked up to one set of 5 @ 60kg
Pull ups: 3x5, 1x3
Also did some crunches and 20 burpees

Here's today's session, all weights in kilos (weight/sets/reps):

Seated Press: 60 x 5 x 2, x 11 x 1.

Squat: 155 x 5 x 5.

Pull-ups: 5 x 3.

I'm in AUS at the moment visiting Jords, working out in his dungeon.

Squats are currently on a Texas Method. Other lifts probably heading in that direction shortly.

"Are you huge? If not, why?"